KS: Hello CC, it's wonderful to meet you at your studio. Let's start by getting to know you better. Where are you from, and how did you come to be based in Portugal?
CC: I’m originally from Taipei, Taiwan, and I moved to Lisbon, Portugal, five years ago. Since living here, I decided to start creating and bring some warmth to people through my work.

KS: How would you describe life in Lisbon? What aspects of the city inspire or influence you?
CC: Reading this question reminded me of the movie *Poor Things*. I feel that my life in Lisbon is, in some ways, similar to Bella’s journey—like being a reborn child in a foreign land, without parents, experiencing everything anew, at my own pace and in my own way. It’s a beautiful experience, but also a lonely one. It’s challenging for me to put my feelings into words, but I would say my inspirations come from people, nature, and the beautiful and ugly things I encounter and feel around me. I tend to channel my emotions directly into my work, rather than translating them into words. Lisbon is both unique and universal at the same time, and for me, that’s what makes it so fascinating.

KS: Now, let's talk about your artwork. You're primarily an illustrator, correct? Your illustrations seem to come alive when you transfer them onto ceramics. Can you tell us more about this creative process?

CC: I never really considered myself an illustrator—I just like to draw. For me, drawing is like talking; it’s my way of keeping a diary, a very personal and private language. Ceramics, on the other hand, is a different language for me. I use it to send messages, to communicate. It’s less about my personal experience and more about sharing with others. When I create ceramic pieces, I often start with a big idea, usually centered around love and emotional needs. Through my work, I aim to offer people an escape from reality—a place where, after a tiring day, they can rest on fluffy beds, soft grass, or warm sand. It’s a space where imagination can run wild without limits, and where everyone feels understood, like receiving a warm, gentle hug. I believe that this is something everyone needs and deserves, and that’s the essence behind all my ceramic pieces.
KS: Where do you find inspiration for your pieces? It seems like there's often a story behind each work—do you create these narratives before you start on a piece, or do they develop as you work?

CC: My inspirations come from the people around me, and from the things I hear, see, and feel in the world. It’s a mixture of everything, and after I digest these experiences, they take on a life of their own.
Creating ceramics is a lengthy process that requires time and care. They are never fully controllable; it’s as if they have a life of their own. Sometimes, I think of working as a ceramic artist as a collaborative effort, where we—my creations and I—must give each other space. As a result, each piece develops its own personality. To me, they are born with stories, and I enjoy giving them names. I hope that whoever takes them home will experience even more stories and create new memories with them. So, they become more than just a cup, an ashtray, or a sculpture; they can also be a personal best friend.
KS: Do you have any upcoming exhibitions?
CC: I have an upcoming exhibition on September 14th and 15th, as well as October 18th, 19th, and 20th. The exhibition will be held at the studio where I work, "Cassiano Atelier." I’m currently working on it and am really excited to share it with you. This exhibition will showcase my magical world, but I'll keep the details as a surprise. I would be delighted to invite all of you to come and visit!

KS: Finally, do you have a favorite piece or character that you've created? What makes it special to you?

CC: It took me a while to think about this question. As I’ve mentioned, I see all my works as my babies, so I truly love each one of them. However, after giving it some thought, I think my favorite piece is the clay itself—a 12 kg brick of clay. From it, I can create so many more "babies." For me, this is the most exciting and cherished moment—the potential within that brick of clay to become anything.
KS: Thank you so much for your time, CC. It's been a pleasure talking with you!
CC: Thank you for visitng me and see you on my exhibition :)